Nuneaton Round Table
What is Round Table?
Founded in 1927, Round Tables meet all over Great Britain and Ireland, usually once a fortnight for either a social, a fun activity or to make a difference in the community.
Table nights can vary with activities such as white water rafting, hiking, zorbing, or perhaps a round of crazy golf, learning how to make the perfect sushi or take a tour of a local brewery.
However, Fundraising for local charities, organisations and good causes is in the DNA of Round Table.
Round Table clubs raise over £4.5 million a year for our local communities and good causes!
To learn more head to the Round Table website here.
Nuneaton Round Table
Nuneaton Round Table started in 1938, but due to the outbreak of the Second World War wasn’t officially chartered until 1945. It was the 136th club to be started across the country, hence the relevance of Nuneaton136, which you will see around. There have now been more than a thousand clubs started across the country, so Nuneaton was one of the first.
Every year a new Chairman is elected to take the club forward, due to this and the fact members have to leave at 45,
Nuneaton Round Table was also a pioneer on the International Round Table stage. During the 1980’s Nuneaton Round Table visited our international twin table in Sedan, France. Over the years as Round Table has grown internationally, the 136 group has too and now includes; Lahr in Germany, Berkel en Rodenrijs in the Netherlands, Kullabygden in Sweden and Petoria in South Africa. As such, that initial Nuneaton Round Table trip has turned into an annual tradition, whereby every year one of the 136 group hosts all the other Tables!
Round Table is just one of a family of organisations, giving back to their community and providing the chance to try something new.
Ladies Circle – Ladies Circle is open to women aged 18-45 and is Round Table’s sister organisation, sharing the same core values of friends, having fun and supporting local causes.
41 Club and Tangent – Once Round Table or Ladies Circle members have left their respective clubs at 45, they can move onto 41 club (association of ex-Tablers) or Tangent.
And now…..
We are one of the most active Tables in the area with regular bi-weekly meetings, ranging from paintballing, football golf, go-karting to good old fashioned ale trails! And of course the occasional business meeting to ensure we are responding to charity requests, discussing ways in which we can support our community and thinking of new and innovate fund raising ideas!
Nuneaton Round Table are responsible for numerous community events, the biggest of which are the annual Santa Sleigh and both the Nuneaton and Bedworth Bonfire displays.
Last year we were proud to support several charities reinvesting thousands of pounds in our local community.
We are an incredibly busy and active Table, and as such are always looking for new members to get involved. Where else would you get the chance to organise something as cool as a beer festival and raise money for charity in the process?!
If you enjoy a social, want to make a difference in our communities and get involved in all sorts of new and interesting experiences, please get in touch via the Nuneaton Round Table Facebook page or email nuneaton@roundtable.org.uk.